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    Your legacy application migrated to the cloud quickly and efficiently.
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  • A man holding a tablet and symbols of various industries on the market in general.

    Big Data

    High quality and excellent performance so you can extract the best of your data.
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    We are a software boutique capable of building the most sophisticated solutions.
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We are the trusted step into the future
We are TruStep

The digital revolution increasingly makes people's lives easier, demanding ever greater transformations in companies. Many of the things that people did in person in the past today are solved through the internet, even as a result of the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19, but not only by them. People simply want more time for themselves and demands much more practical and personalized products and services.
This requires companies to better know their customers and to deal even better with data about them, their habits and preferences. At the same time, sources of information about customers only expands, for example: mobile devices such as cell phones and tablets, social media, internet of things. All of them generate a huge amount of data and allow interaction between a company and its customers, and between customers of the same company on an unprecedented scale, requiring companies to be able to respond to this environment immediately. All of this with speed and security, maintaining the highest levels of data protection, ethics and agility while conducting their business.
However, many of the applications used today were designed with the paradigms of the 2000s, where access to the internet was more restricted and cloud computing didn't even exist. The volume and variety of data that can be collected and must be analyzed represents a major challenge for these applications and the businesses they support. As a result, companies that insist on maintaining these technologies will lose agility and competitiveness in the market, since the maintenance of these systems is more expensive, more time consuming, and sometimes even impractical.
The technological evolution that occurred in the last 10 years has been huge. Today it is possible to manage an infinitely larger amount of data and obtain results practically in real time, all for a fraction of the cost of maintaining old applications. Cloud computing has brought everyone access to technologies that were previously only available to the largest companies on the planet. Applications that used to take months or even years to deploy today can be done in days or weeks. Adhering to this technological revolution is no longer an option for companies, it is up to them only to decide the best way to embark on this journey.
TruStep was born within this worldview. Our mission is to help companies take advantage of the best cloud computing technologies to leverage their business and serve their customers in the best possible way. We do this by modernizing and migrating systems and applications to the cloud, implementing big data solutions, developing new systems in the cloud and integrating legacy solutions with these new environments. If you share this same worldview, we invite you to schedule a conversation and share your thoughts with us. Together we will take your company to a new level in the digital world.

Big Data

A man typing a notebook where graphics generated from big data system can be seen.

Today's world is increasingly digitilized, and with 5G networks the promise is that not only people, but the most diverse devices will be connected. The amount of data that companies will have to manage only grows over time. But many companies do not realize they have a big data problem, or they simply don't consider it big data.
Failing to address the challenges of big data can result in the gradual increase of costs, as well as in the reduction of productivity and competitiveness.
An appropriate big data strategy can help companies reduce costs and acquire operational efficiency by migrating existing intensive workloads to big data technologies, as well as implementing new applications to take advantage of new opportunities.
Nonetheless, big data systems can be described not only around the data management challenges, but also in terms of the increase in volume, speed and variety of data, the veracity of the information collected, and the value they can add to organizations.
Those issues in general can not be easily solved with traditional databases:
  • Volume: from terabytes to petabytes or hexabytes of data;
  • Variety: includes data from a wide range of sources and formats, such as web logs, social media interactions, online and e-commerce transactions, financial transactions, mobile devices, sensors, etc.;
  • Velocity: companies and users have increasingly demanding requirements, from the moment the data is generated to the moment when valuable information is delivered to users. Therefore, it is necessary to collect, store, process and analyze the data in increasingly shorter periods of time, which once were once a day and are currently in real time;
  • Veracity: it has been very common to use data coming from less structured sources or not structured at all, or data that is uncomplete, inacuratte and/or unprecise. Categorizing and cleaning up that data so that it becomes reliable is a real challenge.
  • Value: The value that can be extracted from the data also grows as the technology allows to expand from a descriptive analysis (what has happened and why?), passing through a predictive analysis (when and how will it happen again?) until you reach the prescriptive analysis (what should you do if "x" happens?).
In TruStep, we are able to help your organization to incorporate the latest Big Data system techniques and tools that today exists. Call one of our experts to discuss Big Data and understand how we can help you.


A monitor that shows a high level diagram of modern software architecture.

In an increasingly digitalized world, the development of new systems and applications is more than a necessity, it is a question of adaptation and survival. Integrating new applications with existing systems allows to increase the degree of digitalization of your business and is essential when thinking about taking your workloads to the cloud, as they will often have to coexist in a hybrid environment. In addition, agility in the development and in the evolution of software is an imperative in today's world, as changes occur quickly and businesses must not only keep up with them, but whenever possible, direct them in favor of their customers.
To meet the needs of modern enterprises, it is necessary to handle a wide range of different technologies in all existing layers. Relational and non-relational databases, real-time streaming processing, big data, interfaces for web and mobile applications, REST APIs, artificial intelligence, containers, serverless applications and cloud computing are just some of the technologies involved in the software development process. And for each one of them, there are also numerous solution platforms, programming languages, architectural paradigms and development methodologies, which makes the software development process even more challenging for companies whose core activity is not directly related to the computing area.
Recognizing this reality, TruStep works in software development thinking not only about technologies, but also in the context of each company. That is why we value extensive knowledge in the area of computer science, as it allows us to operate in all areas of development with any technology existing in the current or future. Our focus is on agility and quality of delivery, meeting the most challenging scenarios that companies experience in their day-to-day business.


A picture that shows a table full of notebooks and working objects of a migration team

Migrating existing applications to the cloud represents an excellent opportunity for companies to transform their ways of doing business. This can help lower costs, increase agility and productivity, develop new skills faster, improve operational resilience, access global markets, among other advantages.
However, the journey of each company is unique because it is necessary to consider many different perspectives related to the business environment, such as: entrepreneurial capacity, management and business model; readiness of people and organizational culture; corporate governance, regulatory frameworks, risks and information security; application platforms and technological infrastructure; reliability and agility required in the operation. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate all of these perspectives to define appropriate strategies for each business before establishing concrete migration plans.
But although each journey is unique, it is possible to identify patterns when we look at the concrete migration plans of several companies. There are at least six patterns that appear on a recurring basis: move applications without changes; move applications with minor adaptations; completely redesign applications when migrating them; exchange software use licenses for managed services; eliminate applications; postpone the migration of certain applications. Each of these patterns has its advantages and disadvantages and apply at different times and contexts. The choice and combination of each will depend on each specific business.
As the plans begin to be executed the results obtained must be monitored. As they are concluded, the day-to-day operation of applications in the new environment are presented. And finally, a continuous process begins where, at the same time that new applications are migrated, optimization opportunities are detected, and new learnings are incorporated into existing systems and ongoing migration projects. In this way, companies gain more and more momentum and capacity as they progress.
The TruStep team is able to help your company on this journey. In addition to using the tools and methodologies developed by public cloud providers, we have also developed our own automation tools and support methodologies to complement our migration projects, while accelerating delivery, improving quality and lowering costs for our customers. Come and talk to us about how the adoption of cloud computing technologies can improve your business.

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    Natal/RN - Brasil
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  +55 84 99688 9060
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    Las Condes
    Santiago - Chile
    CP 7560903
  +56 9 9225 0886